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Smart Collecting: Tips to Save Money on Your Hobbies

Smart Collecting: Tips to Save Money on Your Hobbies

Before moving from my house to an apartment, my cousin Nick visited for a board game night. After playing Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride, I took him to see my geek room, brimming with board games, science fiction novels, and comic books.

“Your comic collection is expanding,” he noted.

“I know,” I responded, as we delved into the intricacies of building a collection. “These comics were pricey, but buying them in bulk saved me a lot compared to purchasing them one by one.”

Nick, a fellow lifelong collector, understood my perspective. While I focus on comic books, he collects stamps and coins. Despite our different interests, we both enjoy discussing the art of collecting. Nick, too, aims to collect without overspending.

No matter what you collect, there are ways to indulge your hobby without breaking the bank. Here are some strategies I’ve honed over four decades of collecting, applicable to various types of collections.

Narrow Your Focus

Clearly define what you’re collecting and why. Knowing when to stop is essential. This topic recently came up on a comic-book forum: “When do you say enough is enough?” Without a clear endpoint, your collection will never feel complete.

While managing debt and saving money, I limited my comic purchases to my favorite niches. By focusing on comic strip collections, I could afford nearly all the anthologies released, like Peanuts and Bloom County. This specificity allowed me to enjoy my hobby on a smaller budget.

Look for Sales

Even collectibles go on sale. When I resumed collecting comics in 2009, I discovered a place offering back issues at half price. My favorite local comic store frequently has 50%-off sales, allowing me to buy 1970s comics for just a dollar each.

Find Trustworthy Dealers

Seek dealers with strict grading standards. Collectibles, including comics, are priced based on condition. Not everyone grades the same, so avoid dealers who overstate quality. Trust those who accurately grade and price their items.

Scout Unusual Sources

Explore yard sales, antique stores, flea markets, and auctions for deals. Once, I found a box of 1960s comics at a garage sale. Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford them at the time. In hindsight, I regret not making an offer for the entire box.

Settle for Less

Accept the minimum condition you can tolerate. Some collectors pay premiums for perfect items. If you settle for second-best, you can acquire desirable pieces for less. I accept Poor quality comics, allowing me to enjoy them without breaking the bank.

Buy in Bulk

If you have the funds, consider purchasing large lots to obtain a specific piece. While this approach may leave you with unwanted items, it can be profitable if you resell the extras.

Avoid Temptation

Reduce spending by staying away from shops and blogs related to your collection. I spend less on comics when I avoid comic shops and less on board games when I don’t learn about new ones.

Be Patient

Resist the urge to buy immediately when you find a missing piece. Ensure you’re getting a good deal by knowing the market and waiting for the right price.


Satisfy your collecting urges by borrowing. I use the public library for expensive comic compilations. This principle can apply to other collections, too.

Final Thoughts

Collecting isn’t typically a frugal hobby. It’s a socially acceptable form of hoarding. Collect in moderation to avoid financial and mental strain. Recently, I’ve questioned my collecting habits, especially as I consider travel and apartment living. I’ve paused my comic purchases since September, focusing on reading what I already own.

I’m curious about other collectors’ experiences. What do you collect, and how do you manage costs?